Work > K2

K2Five: (Process) Escalations

4 Mins. Read.
K2Five’s new workflow designer is a great improvement over the old designers. Improvement and innovation can’t always be made on top of legacy supported systems. This means that some features change and/or might not be available at this time of first release. The new designer is a big change and i’d like to highlight some changes here with regards to process and activity escalations. One element that the new workflow designer currently does not have is Process Escalations.

K2Five: Creating an asynchronous event

4 Mins. Read.
With the new release of K2 five and it’s workflow designer, we do not have the capability to write custom code in our workflow anymore. For some, this is a shocker and unbelievable. Having no code in your workflow has been a best practice for some organizations for years and as a low-code platform, it’s a nobrainer. However, there are requirements that always required code in the past, one of those Asynchronous server events.

K2’s 4.6.11 – For Each Wizard

4 Mins. Read.
With the release of K2 4.6.11 a new wizard has been added to the k2 blackpearl software. It’s the For Each wizard, which might surprise you. How can a workflow engine like K2 not have a For Each option? It’s quite simple once you understand how the K2 workflow engine works. Activities and line rules determine the flow of the process. Questions like ‘Does your workflow have branch and merge options?

K2 smartforms custom theme tips

2 Mins. Read.
So, it’s been a while since i’ve written something. Yes, i’m still alive – a lot has happened in personal and professional life! With K2 smartforms already being at release 1.0.4, it’s about time I wrote something about it! A lot of customers are using a custom theme to create forms that are in their company’s style/look&feel. There’s an article on how to create a theme, but here’s my version of it:

Notes on K2 Inline functions

Yesteday I tweeted about inline functions and how to get your Icon working properly. Appart from all the info in Johnny’s blogpost, there are some other catches as well. Just because i keep forgetting them, here’s a mental note to myself.  It’s a normal class library Start your project with a normal .NET class library. Make sure it’s .NET 3.5. Add references to the following files: SourceCode.Framework SourceCode.Workflow.Functions – this one isn’t always needed.

Not a K2 insider anymore...

1 Mins. Read.
Don’t worry, I’ve just moved a bit closed to [the] Source[Code Ltd]. I’ve worked at Capgemini and its predecessors for 5 years and it was time to do something different. Capgemini is a wonderful company with lots of opportunities. I’ve also learned a lot there and I’ll always look back at it with good feelings. I’m now working for K2NE GmbH. K2NE is a K2 distributor run by Ruan Scott who, if you have been in contact with K2 in Europe, you’ll probably know.

K2 on your Mobile

1 Mins. Read.
All the latest updates from K2 have had some “pluming” done for easier access to K2 Services like the Worklist and SmartObjects. The K2 sync services are designed to be used for mobile applications. Just a few months later, K2 has released a iPhone and BlackBerry app to handle your worklist on your phone. The apps are very easy to use and require you to have the K2 Services installed and configured correctly.

K2 Workflow Client Services - Video by Eric Schaffer

1 Mins. Read.
In my previous post, I wrote about the new Workflow Client Services that are available within K2. In my post, I created a small worklist page fully based on javascript/jquery/json. Eric Schaffer has made this video describing how you can do this, even creating a action pull down. The video is on youtube, so here’s a direct link:

K2 and jQuery: Creating a simple Worklist

6 Mins. Read.

With the release of K2 Services in the 1290 release, we’re able to get all sorts of data using RESTful services. These services provide output in 3 formats:

  • XML
  • ATOM
  • JSON

XML is the default output. ATOM is a feed-style output which is in essence XML. And JSON is the one we’re going to use. JSON output can be seen as the serialized output of a JavaScript object. This makes it very easy to use in JavaScript and especially jQuery.

K2 Services - Part 2

7 Mins. Read.
This blogpost is outdated. Please see K2 SmartObject Services – Configuration update static endpoint if you have any problems with the K2HostServer.config file changes.

Back when 1230 came out, I wrote a pretty long blogpost about the K2 SmartObject Services and (what was the beginning of) K2 Services. K2 Services is the Web Service that exposes a number of interfaces. K2 SmartObject Services is the K2 Server hosted WCF endpoint which allows SmartObject functionality. This post focuses only on K2 Services. The only change to the K2 SmartObject Services that 1290 brought was CRUDE (E for Execute) functionality to the RESTful part of K2 SmartObject Services. I’ll do another post on that new functionality.

This post is a follow up, since the K2 Services has more features in the 1290 release. The service now offers the following endpoints:

  • SyncREST.svc
  • SyncWCF.svc
  • REST.svc
  • WCF.svc
  • WS.asmx

The WCF.svc and WS.asmx have already been covered in the 1230 post. They have changed, but not much, you can read about it in this KB1227 article.

The new sync services are designed with batch processing in mind. This also includes batch-actioning of worklist items so you can do things offline and have your app sync at a later stage. Sync simply stands for synchronization, something you can do with batch processing more easily.