
Dovecot with Apache SOLR in docker with SSL

8 Mins. Read.
I’ve been running my own mailserver for a while. This is not very common anymore and lots of people have problems with this due to MS and Google’s SPAM filters, lots of ISP’s blocking SMTP traffic and IP reputations of some ranges out there. I’m lucky enough that i primarily receive e-mail, have a provided that allows SMTP and have a reasonable IP address. To read my e-mail, i run dovecot imap server and over the years my mail archive has become nearly 10gb of data.

PPPoE on linux with BT and Vigor130

3 Mins. Read.
I’m one of those weird people that still runs a “Linux router”. This means I have a PCEngines APU2 board and use a Draytek 130 modem. The reason I do this is because I like the control it gives me, and I can run things like dnsdist, powerdns in combination with DHCP. It gives me nice hostnames, so I can access my webcam via nice URL’s. I also run this blog on the machine, as well as my nextcloud instance.

K2’s 4.6.11 – For Each Wizard

4 Mins. Read.
With the release of K2 4.6.11 a new wizard has been added to the k2 blackpearl software. It’s the For Each wizard, which might surprise you. How can a workflow engine like K2 not have a For Each option? It’s quite simple once you understand how the K2 workflow engine works. Activities and line rules determine the flow of the process. Questions like ‘Does your workflow have branch and merge options?

"Syncing" outlook 2013 with Owncloud

2 Mins. Read.
Update: Although the below worked in the past, it’s not ideal. I’ve recently discovered which is an active project and works very well! As some of you might know, i’m quite fond of my privacy. Together with the fact that i still run my own server at home, this resulted in me investing some time on OwnCloud. I use it to sync my contacts and some files that I use for work.

Add AD-Group to SP2010 via CSOM

2 Mins. Read.
Unfortunatly, projects aren’t always that fancy. In this case I’m still doing a bit of SP2010. Luckaly we do use CSOM to make it a bit interesting. CSOM has a lot of functionality, and theoretically you can say “it does everything the old-fashioned SPSite model does”. However, it can be a struggle. In this case, we needed to add a AD Group/User to sharepoint directly. Don’t ask, it’s a customer requirement.

K2 smartforms custom theme tips

2 Mins. Read.
So, it’s been a while since i’ve written something. Yes, i’m still alive – a lot has happened in personal and professional life! With K2 smartforms already being at release 1.0.4, it’s about time I wrote something about it! A lot of customers are using a custom theme to create forms that are in their company’s style/look&feel. There’s an article on how to create a theme, but here’s my version of it:

K2 SmartObject Services – Configuration update, static endpoint

3 Mins. Read.

After the release of K2 1370, there have been some small updates to the K2HostServer.config file for your SmartObject Services configuration.

The basics is pretty simple, KB1370 added the ability to change binding and binding configuration on the REST and WCF endpoints separately. Because the binding configuration also defines the authentication mechanism, this means that REST endpoints could use basicHttpBinding with Basic authentication, while the WCF endpoint uses wsHttpBinding with Windows authentication. It also allows us to run either one endpoint on HTTPS while the other is not.

In my previous post on the K2 Services I showed you how to create a static endpoint, this simplifies the URL and allows you to rename or update the SMO without the endpoint changing. The configuration sections shown in those posts are now outdated and won’t work anymore. Since the KB article describing the change doesn’t have all the parameters, this post is also a note-to-self.

Notes on K2 Inline functions

Yesteday I tweeted about inline functions and how to get your Icon working properly. Appart from all the info in Johnny’s blogpost, there are some other catches as well. Just because i keep forgetting them, here’s a mental note to myself.  It’s a normal class library Start your project with a normal .NET class library. Make sure it’s .NET 3.5. Add references to the following files: SourceCode.Framework SourceCode.Workflow.Functions – this one isn’t always needed.

MSIE 9 - Integrated Authentication

1 Mins. Read.
I’ve just “upgraded” to MSIE 9.0 within the Virtual Machine i use. Within that VM’s, I use a lot of Integrated Authentication, and my sites didn’t authenticate properly anymore. As it turns out, for integrated authentication to work, i had to put my sites in Intranet zone, not in the trusted zone. Having changed that, everything works fine again.