Back when 1230 came out, I wrote a pretty long blogpost about the K2 SmartObject Services and (what was the beginning of) K2 Services. K2 Services is the Web Service that exposes a number of interfaces. K2 SmartObject Services is the K2 Server hosted WCF endpoint which allows SmartObject functionality. This post focuses only on K2 Services. The only change to the K2 SmartObject Services that 1290 brought was CRUDE (E for Execute) functionality to the RESTful part of K2 SmartObject Services. I’ll do another post on that new functionality.
This post is a follow up, since the K2 Services has more features in the 1290 release. The service now offers the following endpoints:
- SyncREST.svc
- SyncWCF.svc
- REST.svc
- WCF.svc
- WS.asmx
The WCF.svc and WS.asmx have already been covered in the 1230 post. They have changed, but not much, you can read about it in this KB1227 article.
The new sync services are designed with batch processing in mind. This also includes batch-actioning of worklist items so you can do things offline and have your app sync at a later stage. Sync simply stands for synchronization, something you can do with batch processing more easily.